Title Description
Office Assistant – An employee who is organized, self motivated, works well with people, has some accounting skills, computer proficiency, assists all owners and supervisors, helps with cleaning and upkeep of office. Should know how to use Microsoft Office, email, have a driver’s license, and handle running office in owner’s absence. Pay Range $9-12/hr
Laborer - Entry level position to assess ability, provide training, determine work ethic and leadership abilities, allow employee to become familiar with the companies systems and processes. Typical jobs for all laborers are weedeating, trash removal, and operation of small equipment such as chainsaw, utility vehicle, zero turn mower, light maintenance, landscape work, and small construction. Requirements: None. Pay Range$9-12/hr
Laborer II - Employee’s excelling in some to all of the jobs listed for Laborer, can help in the training of others, and show a willingness to help their boss, operate equipment the Millgoal Way. A foreman/supervisor should be able to lean on a Laborer II for help. You help with keeping crew prepared with daily necessities. Help less experienced Laborer’s to become efficient. Requirements: None. Pay Range $10-14/hr
Operator – Entry level position with some verifiable equipment operation or have demonstrated performance as a Labor II that shows ability to operate equipment. Will perform all duties of Laborer II and receive training on equipment operation. An Operator must be flexible and willing to do a wide variety of jobs. Requirements: None. Pay Range $10-14/hr
Laborer III – Employee’s who excel in all jobs they are given, can be depended on for help managing a crew, take personal responsibility for efficiency, ensure equipment and time are being properly utilized, show leadership and the ability to work well with others, are responsible to their foreman/supervisor, provide any reports or logging required by Millgoal, help ensure all safety requirements are being met, and be mechanically knowledgeable of equipment operating. Requirement: Driver’s License, CDL with 1 complete season or prior verifiable experience. Pay Range $12-18/hr
Operator II– Laborer III who have been deemed ready to be trained for larger equipment operation or an employee with verifiable experience operating a wide variety of equipment including tractors, skid steers, truck trailer combo’s, dozers, track hoe, tractor trailer. Must operate in a safe and efficient manner, be able to perform maintenance task on any equipment operated, and provide reports or logging required by Millgoal. Requirement: Laborer III level achievement for one season, or verifiable experience of outside operation. Pay Range $12-18/hr
Foreman – An employee who has demonstrated personal responsibility for a crew’s success, abides by safety regulations, performs all Labor III responsibilities, can manage other’s, can push a crew and get maximum efficiency out of it, responsible to a supervisor, can fix most breakdowns that may accrue, will be organized and have the crew prepared with materials and objectives, someone dependable. Requirement: Driver’s License, special license or certification, good teacher and highly dependable. Pay Range $13-20/hr or Salary.
Operator III – Operator who has achieved a high skill level on one or more specific pieces of equipment. Performs all duties of an Operator 2 and has had multiple years of equipment operation. An operator that abides by all safety regulation, performs all required maintenance regularly, can be depended to complete a job without supervision, works well with supervisors, can quickly assess breakdowns, take responsibility for equipment and operates by Millgoal standards. Requirement: Operator II level achievement, driver’s license, and special license such as CDL, Pesticide License, or similar. Pay Range $14-?/hr or Salary.
Supervisors – An employee who has demonstrated great dependability, a wide variety of skills that include Labor jobs, Operator abilities, and Forman management skills. Someone who can take on a set of responsibilities and ensure the work is done at Millgoal standards, protects profits from wasteful or mismanaged operations, insures equipment is not being abused and is maintenance properly, insures that all employee’s under them are performing duties, treat employee’s with respect, and are responsible to the owner directly. Requirements: CDL Class A, special trade or licensing, committed to Millgoal, ensuring maximum profitability in their area of supervision, respectful manager to other employee. Pay Range $15-?/hr or Salary.
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